I GOT THE JOB! Not the blog job that I posted the outfit for, but the boring-outfit, big, scary, media job that I was never going to get because I sucked in the interview and 800+ people applied for the position - that job.
I had pretty much forgotten about the whole experience and set my heart on the bag blog job which, despite being a pretty fab job, was basically unpaid, with only expenses and "pocket money" which wouldn't get me anywhere living in London.
On top of finishing uni and getting a job, this week has also been rad for my housemate who finished her degree yesterday and has just arrived home to tell me she's passed her driving test so congrats to her <3
Naturally, I celebrated in the only way I know how (other than getting really drunk). I shopped.
Black and white lace bralet/crop tops |
Teamed with my new American Apparel Easy Jeans courtesy of Maudie <3 |
Pearl collar teamed with breton top |
My favourite new babies |
Tomorrow night is go! |
Bralets - Primark; £4 each
Easy Jeans - American Apparel via Maudie's eBay; £20 (RRP £64)
Jumper - Topshop via eBay; £15 (RRO £26)
Breton top - Charity shop; £6
Pearl Collar - Primark; £6
Spike boots - Random Kingston shop; £30
I've been searching for a good breton top for ages since spilling bleach on my trusty old one which was inherited from one of my mum's '80s wardrobe clearouts. I've also been on the hunt for a good lace bralet without forking out Urban Outfitters prices. I'd have posted in a picture in the white one, but since it doesn't have padding I thought it would be a bit rude!
Mauds was selling her Easy Jeans and, as a sucker for anything American Apparel/high waisted, I put in a bid and now have one more pair to add to my collection.
But best of all are my new studded boots. Along with the rest of the world, I've been lusting after the spiked Jeffrey Campbell Lita's for as long as I can remember, but when I saw these babies for just £30 in a random shoe shop in town, I couldn't resist. I'd just got a job, just finished uni, and they were a bargain. Yeah, they're not real... But I'm still on a student budget!
Naturally, this has done wonders for my party plans:
- New attire
- Sexy shoes
- Finished uni
- Got a job
- Vicky's finished uni
- Vicky's passed her driving test
- I found a sneaky bottle of wine left under a table at work
- The Cribs are playing at New Slang