Tuesday, 21 February 2012

I'm No Poet.

Poetry is something which seems so beautiful to me. The imagery and the emotion and the language is so beautiful when fashioned by the right poet. Sadly that poet just is not me!

Not and then a thought will cross my mind, and I'll write it down. When I look back it's the kind of thing which would fit perfectly into a poem, but I'm just totally incapable of writing them well.

However this term I had a module clash, meaning I had to switch Contemporary British Fiction to 20th Century Poetry (no way was I swapping Arts & Entertainment Journalism for sport, politics or business) and it's fair to say I've been thrown in at the deep end.

Terrified to tell my lecturer my situation at the risk of offending him, I am battling onwards and this week my assignment is to write a poem inspired by a piece of art.

I've chosen this photograph, which isn't famous, or even credited, but inspired so much in me - more so than any generic painting or sculpture. The mood, history, memories and hues of the photo reflect that of the whole room, despite only showing a tiny section of it. I'm not sure what angle I'm going to take yet, but perhaps I'll post it up here when I'm done!

(This is more like a diary entry than an interesting blog post but I'm bored and stressing about this piece, sorry!)

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